Embedded System Application Research and Development with RISC-V

— ESBF’s First Technical Salon

Embedded System Beijing Forum, which was founded by well-known scholars and industrial practitioners, has recently celebrated 10-year anniversary. ESBF provides a platform for information exchange to experts, scholars, engineers, technicians, marketers, and media personnel. The forum also help establish personal relationships among the participants. This time, ESBF is holding its first technical salon, our new form of activity designed to appeal to younger and more practical professionals in the audience.

RISC-V open-source instruction set has brought fresh developments to the area of processor architecture. The speed at which RISC-V popularize in China has been astounding. Many higher intuitions have adopted RISC-V for education, a number of IT giants have announced support for it, and new businesses are being started in the area. The technology behind RISC-V, as well as platforms using it, are still being developed; the real-world impact of RISC-V application is expected to expand.

Chips, development boards, debuggers, software, OS, community and publications are all part of an ecosystem RISC-V cannot succeed without. Academician Juyan Xu, a pioneer of integrated circuit in China, believes that RISC-V would be most suitable in “invisible” computing like IoT; he also thinks that RISC-V may be able to form its first major ecosystem in China. IoT and embedded systems applications are expected to be the landing site of RISC-V. Our technical salon will focus on embedded system development with RISC-V. We are glad to have scholars/experts from Tsinghua University, Beijing University of Technology, NXP, Nuclei etc., to introduce the newest developments with RISC-V.

Date & Time: April 20th 2019, 1:25pm – 4:30pm
Location: Central Conference Hall, Beihang University Ruxin Conference Center

Event Host: Embedded System Beijing Forum
Event Organizer: Beihang University Press


Host: Allan He, Secretary in Chief, ESBF

1:25-1:30pmOpening SpeechYanyong Zhao, Vice Chairman of Beihang University Press
1:30-2:00pmOperating System Class Lab Session with RISC-VDr. Yu Chen, Associate Professor in Tsinghua University School of Computer Science
2:00-2:30pmRISC-V on FPGA and its Application in Four-Feet Robots
Linlin Cai, Beijing University of Technology
2:30-3:00pmCharacteristics of Embedded System Development with RISC-V
Zhenbo Hu, Founder of Nuclei Technology, Well-known Advocate of RISC-V
3:00-3:30pmDiscussion and Expo

3:30-3:40pmNXP and the Development of RISC-V Ecosystem
Lucy Wang, System Engineering Director, NXP China Management Company
3:40-4:10pmEmbedded System Development with RISC-V MCU RV32M1Huadong Liu, Senior System Engineer, NXP
4:10-4:30pmProfessional Development Tools that Support RISC-VLei Sheng, Country Manager of IAR China

NXD has sponsored a few RISC-V development board for the salon, every participant will have a chance to get one. The expo session of the salon features demos and exhibitions related to RISC-V embedded system development.