Internet of Things and Embedded System Development in the Artificial Intelligence Era

— The 23rd ESBF Forum to be Held on May 26th, in Shenzhen, China

Ever since Google AlphaGo popularized the idea of Artificial Intelligence (AI), AI has been a hot topic. In the foreseeable future, AI will undoubtedly enter various aspects of our life and become our friend and ally.

Three inseparable factors contribute to the second rise of AI: algorithm, data and computing power. AI has strict requirements on processing capacity and real-time ability. Part of the answer lie in edge computing, the area of Internet of Things (IoT) and embedded system.

How do we prepare for the impending storm of AI? With AI expanding in its application, what are the specific market where IoT and embedded system are relevant? How should embedded system researchers and engineers seize the opportunity?

The next Embedded System Beijing Forum (ESBF) seminar will host an academic discussion and an entrepreneur forum, inviting well-known scholars, industrial experts and engineering leaders to discuss embedded system/IoT issues around AI R&D.

The new event will not only provide a platform for collaboration and discussion among the new generation of engineers, but also an opportunity to educate. We will set aside dedicated time for Q&A.

Embedded System Beijing Forum is a technology salon promoting information exchange and communication within embedded industry and academia, with broad audience including scholars, engineers/tech ops, marketing personnel and technical writers/reporters.

ESBF is a non-profit technology salon. Registration is required to attend our free events.


Date and Time: May 26th 2018, 9:30am-12:00pm 1:30pm-5:00pm
Location: Shenzhen Hi-tech Park – Dachong Center 21st level (academic seminar) / Virtual College 2nd floor auditorium (entrepreneur forum)

Hosted by: Embedded System Beijing Forum, Beihang University Shenzhen Research Institute
Organized by: Beihang University Shenzhen IoT Research Center, IoT Cafe
Co-organized by: Beihang University, Shenzhen Intelligent Control Technology and Application Association, Shenzhen Boxun Conference Company, MacBee Technology Alliance, Tron Space

Academic Seminar: AI in Embedded System

Host: Allan He, Secretary in Chief, ESBF

9:00-10:00Opening speech
10:00-10:30AI without Bias and the Future of Resource NetworkLimin He, Editor in Chief and Professor, Beihang University
10:30-11:00Optimizing Designs with Intelligent SystemYixiang Chen, Professor, East China Normal University
11:00-11:30Everything AI: AI Enabling Embedded EndpointsYimei Kang, Professor, Beihang University
11:30-12:00Retina Surgery RobotKai Huang, Professor, Zhongshan University

Entrepreneur Seminar: AI Accelerating IoT Development

Host: Gaosheng Cai, Executive Dean, Beihang University Shenzhen IoT Research Center

14:00-14:30Embedded System Technology and IoT Development TrendAllan He, ESBF
14:30-15:00Leverage FPGA for Embedded System AI DeploymentDr. Yuan Yao, Beijing V3 Technology
15:00-15:30Ecosystem of Industrial IoTLigong Zhou, ZLG Electronics
15:40-16:00Robot Coordination and Hybrid AGV NavigationGuoping Zhang, Hans Robot
16:00-16:20Prospect of ADAS SystemWeiwei Zhang, Zhongke Longzhi Automobile Technology
16:20-16:40Edge Computing and AI Applications in IoTJun Zou, Ayla Networks
16:40-17:00Discussions and Q&A